To commemorate Rememberence Day, Year 6 Riley children put on an assembly in front of the school and parents. Everyone took part in small groups with readings and poetry. The children have also produced some tremendous art on the subject. Scarlett, Dylan and Remi's are shown below.

Scarlett: "Today we had our class assembly all about Remembrance Day. Everybody took part and we shared the work we had been doing on the topic with our parents and other year groups

We showcased our artwork, performed group poems and read letters we had written as if we had been soldiers in World War I.

We talked about what triggered the war, who took part in it and different battles that occurred. We also spoke about John Dewsbury (a young private in the army) and his experiences.

I enjoyed using the microphone and particularly liked performing the poem with my friends.

Year 6 art on the topic of Rememberance

By Scarlett

By Dylan

By Remi