
Year N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Autumn 1 Experiencing  music Music stepping stones Starting Out with music Pulse and tempo

Glockenspiel 2

World music Glockenspiel 4 Glockenspiel 5
Autumn 2

Music & Groove

(pitch and pulse)

Into the woods (songs & sounds) In the Autumn Glockenspiel 1 Music around the world 1 Glockenspiel 3 Percussion & Rhythm 1 Percussion & Rhythm 2
Spring 1


Around 1


Around 2

Exploring pulse &rhythm Making Music 1 Making Music 2 Reading Music Exploring Classical Music 1 Exploring Classical Music 2
Spring 2 The world around us Spring Time  (pulse, rhythm & listening) Exploring Pitch Music for folk dancing (world music) Music & Movement Making Music 3 Exploring Musical Notation Composition
Summer 1 Rhyme time 1 Rhyme time 2 Animals See & hear Playing Together 2 Playing with Sound Exploring Pop Music 1 Exploring Pop Music 2
Summer 2 Play & sing 1 Play & sing 2 Holiday time (world music) Playtime together 1 Exploring Musical Theatre Elements of Music Music Around the World 2 Music for Film & TV

2023/2024 to be confirmed

Year N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Autumn 1 tbc tbc Exploring pulse and tempo 1 Exploring pulse and tempo 2 Reading notation 1 Reading notation 2: 2 3 & 4 time Reading notation 3: time signature Reading notation 4: Rhythm ensemble
Autumn 2 tbc tbc Exploring rhythm 1: playing and copying Exploring rhythm 2: stick notation Exploring notation 1: High and Low Exploring notation 2: Follow the score Developing sight reading skills 1 Developing sight reading skills 2
Spring 1 tbc tbc Exploring pitch 1 - High & Low Exploring pitch 2 - Dot notation Ensemble skills 1 - Call and response Ensemble skills 2 - Melody & accompaniment Pop music 1 - Arrangements & Improvisation Pop music 2 - Chords and bass lines
Spring 2 tbc tbc Creating music 1 - sound effects & storytelling Creating music 2 - Musical conversations Composition Skills 1 - Pitch Rhythm & structure Composition Skills 2 - Pentatonic phrases Creating music for film & TV - Character, Atmosphere & environment Composition project 1 - Improvisation, composition & notation
Summer 1 tbc tbc Singing and playing skills 1 - Pitch-matching Singing and playing skills 2 - Follow the leader Exploring musical theatre - Piano & Forte Exploring Classical music 1 - Legato and Staccato Exploring Classical music 2 - Ensemble performace Composition project 2 - Notation, expression and performance
Summer 2 tbc tbc Understanding Rhythm & Pitch (percussion) Playing Rhythm and pitch (Glockenspiel) Becoming musicians 1 - Dynamics & tempo Becoming musicians 2 - Major & minor Becoming musicians 3 - Chords & triads Singing with style


At The William Hogarth, we want our children to be ready to take on the world in all curriculum areas by the time they leave us. It is our intent that we aim to provide an enjoyable and challenging music curriculum, which gives pupils the opportunity to sing, play, create and perform, both individually and collaboratively. Developing musicianship skills, through active music making and exposure to a global range of music, gives pupils a wide understanding and appreciation of music and feeds into their own creativity and self-expression. All children have access to music regardless of their academic ability, race, ethnicity, background and language. SEND pupils are actively encouraged to participate fully as music is often an area of the curriculum, which allows them to excel.

As a result, our pupils become confident composers, creators and performers with an understanding of musical notation, the skills to critically evaluate their own and others’ performances and a passion to learn about and share their love of music.

The national curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians.
  • Learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence.
  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.

Our school provides a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum through ‘Sing Education’, and teaching and learning shows progression across both key stages within the strands of music

The elements of music are taught so that children are able to use the language of music to dissect it and understand how it is made, played, appreciated and analysed. Pupils learn how to compose focussing on different dimensions of music, which in turn feeds their understanding when listening, playing or analysing/ appraising music

Children also have access extra-curricular musical participation opportunities such as Rock Steady, piano and guitar lessons.

Music and singing lessons



















National Curriculum Music Program of Study

At The William Hogarth School we provide three enrichment activities which are paid for activities: Rock Steady - Piano lessons - Guitar lessons.

For full details please visit their page here.

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