12 January 2023

Reception have been reading 3 Billie Goats Gruff

After reading Three Billie Goats Gruff - Reception Rothko children have been designing and building bridges that the Goats could climb over



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11 January 2023

Using mirrors in art

Year 1 Mondrian using mirrors in art

How do you draw a picture of yourself? Have a look in the mirror...

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10 January 2023

Year 1 get messy with primary colours!

Year 1 Mondrian are learning about Primary colours

The children in year 1 have had a tremendous and messy time learning about primary colours and how you can mix them to make every colour possible. They made prints with their hands, then went to town with their feet.


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10 January 2023

Why I love Art by Jahzara

Why I love art

Hello - I'm Jahzara. I am in year 5 Shonibare class at The William Hogarth School in Chiswick in West London.

I started drawing and enjoying art when I was roughly two years old. Being surrounded by family members who draw a lot, my love for it grew. Also, during the Covid…

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9 January 2023

Year 6 anti-bullying training

Year 6 Rile class Anti-bullying training

Year 6 were doing some training from The Diana Award on how to be an 'upstander' against bullying

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9 January 2023

Nursery class are working on the Three Little Pigs story

Nursery are reading Three Little Pigs

In their reading the book The Three Little Pigs, Nursery class have been exploring how to build a house with straw - it doesn't look easy!


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6 January 2023

Year 3 using Scratch to learn about coding

Year 3 Picasso class used Scratch for the first time.

We enjoyed using scratch for the first time. We explored the attributes of 'sprites' and backdrops and experimented with the 'event' and 'motion' coding blocks.


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7 December 2022

Dylan tells us about coding


Many people’s hobbies include playing video games, but not look into how it's made. The creators ( or developers, often called devs ) use coding languages like Java, Python, C++ and many more. This small page will teach you the basics of a more simple coding language, scratch, which…

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30 November 2022

Harrison's blog about horse riding

First of all my name is Harrison. I am in year 5 Shonibare class at The William Hogarth School in Chiswick.

I have a hobby that is called Horse Riding. It is my favourite hobby. I started riding in 2019 when I was 6 or maybe 7. At first it was terrifying. I can remember hearing horses sneezing…

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24 November 2022

Year 5 exploring watercolour in Art

Year 5 Shonibare have been working with watercolour in their Art lessons

the children have been exploring the different techniques that can be used when painting in watercolour. They have explored 'Wash' painting where a series of thin layers of colour can be applied to the paper. They have…

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22 November 2022

Year 5 with year 4 doing 'Physical Maths!'

Year 5 Shonibare and some guests from year 4 Blake worked on place value in an unusual setting.

They have been reinforcing learning from last year on place value so they could remember and secure their learning about what to do when multiplying or dividing by 10 and it's multiples.


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21 November 2022

Scarlett writes about the girl's football team

Girl's football team are getting better and better.

In the past few months, I have been taking part with The William Hogarth School girl's football team, in inter-school football tournaments.

Our team is really improving and when Mr. Berriman has football training sessions on Fridays, we get…

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