10 March 2023

World Book Day

Our world book day celebration

We had to postpone our original world book day celebration, but the children made up for it with such amazing effort to recreate their favourite book characters.

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25 January 2023

Reception Rothko class are reading Squash and a Squeeze

Reception Rothko children building a house for the little old lady in A Squash and a Squeeze

First of all after reading the story, the children thought about how much space the little old lady needs then designed and built a house for her.



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23 January 2023

Nursery Pollock class have been reading 'Mrs Wishy Wash'

After reading Mrs Wishy Wash - the children explored the story

The children were role playing various aspects of the story with mud! Yummy!


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19 January 2023

Year 1 Mondrian are reading 'These Feelings'

Year 1 Mondrian are reading 'These Feelings'

The children having read the book 'These feelings' started to explore what different feelings there are, and what happens when we have those feelings, and what makes you have those feelings.



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18 January 2023

Nursery Pollock class are reading The Three Little Pigs and exploring building materials

After reading The Three Little Pigs - Nursery Pollock class looked at the best materials to build something  

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12 January 2023

Reception have been reading 3 Billie Goats Gruff

After reading Three Billie Goats Gruff - Reception Rothko children have been designing and building bridges that the Goats could climb over



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9 January 2023

Nursery class are working on the Three Little Pigs story

Nursery are reading Three Little Pigs

In their reading the book The Three Little Pigs, Nursery class have been exploring how to build a house with straw - it doesn't look easy!


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7 November 2022

Year 5 Enjoying the library

Every Monday afternoon, Year 5 Shonibare really enjoying going to the library to discover new books and have a lovely quiet read.

Kai: "I like when we get to sit quietly and read our books. It's wonderful to have some time in the library to relax."

Nicole: "I think we could have some more…

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1 November 2022

Year 3 enjoying the library

Year 3 Picasso children enjoying using our library

We have a beautiful library at The William Hogarth School where the children love to visit and spend some quiet time reading and exploring different books and authors. One of the best ways to improve a child's reading is through fostering a…

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19 October 2022

Year 3 practicing their reading speed

Improving reading speed through fluency

At The William Hogarth School we attach great importance to reading as it is central to almost all the learning we do. It is of course imperative to read with greater and greater comprehension, but it is also critically important to practice reading at…

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