18 January 2023

Reception Rothko class are looking at flour

Reception Rothko class have been looking at flour

The children have been exploring where flour comes from - what it is made from - how it is made and seeing if they could make their own!


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3 November 2022

Year 3 Cooking scrambled eggs

Year 3 Picasso class were cooking scrambled eggs in their cookery lesson.

They revisited many of the skills they have been developing this term such as cracking eggs (into the bowl - not onto the floor!) also mixing properly and carefully, but also and most importantly, safety in the use of the…

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19 October 2022

Year 5 cooked curried potato puffs

Year 5 Shonibare cooked the most delicious curried potato puffs.

Mia: "It was a bit hard at the start, but when we had more people in the group it got easier. I liked that it was spicy - it tasted really different to how I expected it to, but it was delicious!"


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14 October 2022

Tuna and Corn wraps from year 1

Year 1 were really concentrating in what was a delicious mixture.



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12 October 2022

Prawn frittatas incoming!

If only you could smell these...

Emile: "It was fun because there were lots of ingredients. Whenever I learn a new recipe I try it at home."


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21 September 2022

Cream cheese and sardine dip from Year 2

Year 2 Matisse class children enjoyed a lovely cookery session where they mixed up a delicious cream cheese and sardine dip.


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