The Children's Election Results Are In

The William Hogarth School took to the polls last week in the Under 18 General Election to vote for candidates in the
Hammersmith and Chiswick constituency. Through the ‘Our generation, Our Vote’ project nearly 23,000 young people
(aged 6-17) in 112 schools and youth groups from England and Wales took part and voted. Nationally, the Labour Party
won 31.8% of the vote, followed by The Green Party on 29.5%; Liberal Democrats had 12.8% of the vote with Reform UK
next, winning 9.5% of the vote. Conservatives came in 5th place with 8.6% of the vote. Education, Health and Climate
were ranked as the top three policy areas that influenced voting the most.

For London, the results were slightly different with The Green Party having 31.21% of the vote, followed by the Labour
Party with 30.4%.

Time will tell if these results reflect those of the nation after the General Election on Thursday 4th July.
Full results can be found here: and more can be viewed on the SKY Kids FYI Show: